Motivation and Encouragement for Dissertation Writers Across Disciplines

About TD:D

To Do: Dissertation is a blog created in the Spring of 2010 to offer supportive and encouraging suggestions for dissertation writers across disciplines.  The primary goal of the To Do: Dissertation blog is to talk realistically about practical steps that dissertation writers could take to finish their writing and take satisfaction and pride in their process and final product.
Unfortunately, once the author of TD:D finished her dissertation and started a full-time job in the Spring of 2011, she didn’t have the time to post regularly to TD:D anymore.  Rather than leave the blog to languish, she chose to edit and publish the tips and suggestions that she created over time in ebook form.

The first two ebooks, 15-Minute Tasks for Dissertation Writers and 101 Daily Dissertation Writing Tips are both available as Kindle editions.  All original posts written by the creator of the blog can now be found in the Kindle edition To Do: Dissertation.

However, TD:D will remain up and running because there are some very important posts still to be found on this website:

  • guest posts and reviews
  • blog carnival posts
  • website recommendations

Thanks for visiting To Do: Dissertation and Happy Writing!

  1. hi,

    you have a great blog, valuable information, keep up the good work

    I will be visitng often and telling my friends about this 🙂

    Good luck

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Angie! Let me know if there are any topics that you want to see covered that aren’t already here – or if you want to submit a guest post 🙂

  3. I am really enjoying your blog – it came at the right time and with the help of your site and a few others – plus the recommendation for “how to write a lot” I am really making progress. I would love to see a post about taking criticism. I recently turned in my qualifying exams – which in my field are the work of more than a year writing answers to three questions agreed upon by my committee. Anyway – I received some pretty harsh feedback and am trying to take it in stride, but I wondered if you would cover that topic or suggest some other sites that would talk about it. Thanks!

  4. The two ebooks made wonderful reading!:)

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